GTP Board Of Directors
Officers and Membership
President.............................................................................Elizabeth Enloe
Vice President......................................................................Karie Preston
Treasurer.................................................................................Terry Pattison
Secretary.........................................................................Cindy Matsuyasu
Media/Marketing Chair..............................Jennifer John Bickel
Member At Large.......................................................................Jean Heil
Member At Large..........................................................Caleb Kelahan
Member At Large.......................................................Michael Newell
Member At Large..........................................................Diane Kelahan
Member At Large..............................................................Halli Pattison
Jacobs Family, Gower Family,
Sayuk Family, Hyten Family
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Goshen Theatre Project.
We appreciate your desire to be a part of creating quality theatre in our community. Goshen is proud to offer two options for membership
Our Basic Membership is only $40.00 annually.
This entitles you to:
One ticket to any show in our season ($20.00 Value)*
An invitation to our annual Membership Dessert, where we will announce the new season
A Goshen Theatre Project T-shirt ($15.00 Value)
Prioritized audition time for your family
Our Family Membership is only $100.00 annually.
This entitles you to:
Three tickets to any show in our season ($60.00 Value)**
An invitation to our annual Membership Dessert, where we will announce the new season
A Goshen Theatre Project t-shirt ($15.00 Value)
Prioritized audition time for your family
Members meet semi-annually (June and December), and are strongly required to volunteer for our productions and events.
*Tickets will be awarded after 5 hours of volunteer time (10 hours required for membership)
** Tickets will be awarded after 10 hours volunteer time (15 hours required)
Please send information form, along with membership check, to the following address.
Goshen Theatre Project
114 West Main Street,
Collinsville, IL 62234
GTP is a 501(c)3 charity arts organization, and all gifts are tax deductible.